Early Career Academic Grants 2018
Early Career Academic Grants 2018 Great grant opportunity for my fellow colleagues who wish to present paper in a conference outside the country. Applicants must not have previously worked or attended an academic conference outside their home region. The conference to be attended must be a recognized academic conference in a field relevant to the […]
Psychology in Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future
Psychology in Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future Written by Dr.Anwarul Hasan Sufi, Tanzir Ahmad Tushar, Md.Shahinoor Rahman Kajol The paper outlines the roots of Psychology in Bangladesh to philosophical and social context. It also sketches the recent and future trend of Psychology in Bangladesh. The British system of education moved to colonial Indian Sub continent. […]
Call for Erasmus with Student Scholarship, 2018
Call for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2018 Dead Line – January 31, 2018 Erasmus Mundus Scholarship program is Master degree program for psychology graduate who want to be a Organizational Psychologist. This program is a great opportunities to explore, enhance knowledge. Because, firstly, WOP-P master program will prepare a student as a competent practitioner in […]
6th Asian CBT Conference, Dhaka, 2018
6th Asian CBT Conference, Dhaka, 2018 Clinical Psychology Department, Dhaka University is going to organize 6th Asian CBT conference in Association with Asian CBT Association, Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Society (BCPS) and Nasirullah Psychotherapy Unit(NPU) on Feb, 9-12, 2018. The 6th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference to be held in Dhaka University- once called the Oxford […]
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Separation Anxiety Disorder Separation anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person has excessive anxiety regarding separation from places or people to whom he or she has a strong emotional attachment. Included with the childhood disorders in DSM-III through DSM-IV-TR, separation anxiety disorder has now been moved because of research that links it to the […]
Selective Mutism Disorder of Children
Selective Mutism Disorder of Children Selective Mutism is an anxiety disorder where child consistently fails to speak and communicate properly in some special social situations such as school. Although they unable to speak or communicate in expected circumstances, they quite perform well in the comfortable, secure and relaxed situation. Selective mutism is comparatively rare and often […]